UDA National Dance Team Championship - page 21

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April 25-27, 2015
Walt Disney World
Orlando, FL
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Proud Member of the
family plan
Small Open – Pom, Jazz, Hip Hop
Large Open – Pom, Jazz, Hip Hop
Small Open Coed – Pom, Jazz, Hip Hop
Large Open Coed – Pom, Jazz, Hip Hop
Open Male – Pom, Jazz, Hip Hop
UDA will be offering seven (7) Senior Partial Paid bids, seven (7) At-Large bids and seven (7) Open At-Large
bids for the 2015 Dance Worlds. All teams awarded a Partial Paid bid will receive $325 times the number of
athletes on the floor plus two coaches. A minimum amount of $3,500 and a maximum amount of $5,000 will
be awarded for a Partial Paid Bid. This amount will be used towards the team’s USASF Worlds Accommoda-
tion Packages. Additional expenses incurred and travel will be the responsibility of the team/gym. At-Large
bids will be responsible to pay their own Worlds Accommodation Packages and travel expenses.
Bids may be awarded in the following All Star divisions and categories:
*UDA will follow the USASF guidelines for combining and splitting categories.
Small Senior - Pom, Jazz, Hip Hop
Large Senior - Pom, Jazz, Hip Hop
Small Senior Coed – Pom, Jazz, Hip Hop
Large Senior Coed – Pom, Jazz, Hip Hop
UDA reserves the right to distribute these bids within the designated divisions. The division and category in
which a team is awarded a bid at the 2015 National Dance Team Championship, is the division and cate-
gory in which the team must compete representing UDA at the 2015 Dance Worlds. Winning a division
does not guarantee a Partial Paid or At-Large Bid. Teams can receive a bid in more than one category.
Bid winners do not have to win their division / category.
Teams who are awarded bids, have until Wednesday, February 4, 2015 at 5:00pm Central time to accept or
decline the bid. Because of these quick deadlines, it is recommended that all teams in the Senior and Open
divisions discuss Worlds bids and decide prior to attending the NDTC if they would accept or decline a bid.
The 2015 Dance Worlds will be held April 25-27, 2015 in Orlando, Florida.
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