At every overnight camp Learn cutting edge choreography and technique in an
Unleashed Master Class taught by world-renowned instructors from professional NFL
and NBA Teams,
So You Think You Can Dance
and more!
Customize your camp experience - preview all routines at nda.varsity.com and request
what you want to learn ahead of time.
Sharpen skills in our daily technique classes. Team Technique and Specialty Technique
include leaps and jumps, flexibility, lifts, turns, hip hop skills, pom technique and
kick technique.
Learn cutting-edge, crowd-appealing curriculum perfect for your Sidelines, Game Day
Routines and Halftime Performances.
Work together in our exclusive NDA Team Dance program.
Take advantage of Custom Coaching and receive one-on-one instruction with your own
designated NDA Instructor.
Choose areas where your team needs extra instruction for Prime Time and the NDA Staff
will work with your team to fulfill your specific goals.
NEW! Learn band chants designed to compliment your cheer team so you can pump up
the crowd together!
After camp, continue your education by participating in the online Professional
Development Program that offers a variety of coaches training classes.
Visit nda.varsity.com for more information.
Take your routine to the next level with NDA’s newest industry-leading tool: Digital Dance
Critique. NDA professionals can review your Nationals routine and provide feedback on
choreography, transitions, technique and more.
Note: There’s a new start time for Overnight Camps - 1:00pm.