Safety is Our Top Priority
Learn and practice how to be safe while executing skills at
practicesandgames.Your squadwill take theSafetyAware-
ness Test, cover new AACCA rule changes for 2014, and
reviewstunt, pyramidand basket rules for the college level.
The UCA staff is 100% AACCA certified, which means
they have the knowledge to teach your team proper
progressions while being safe.
UCA Advisors Program
In partnership with the NCAA, UCA continues to offer
the most current and topical, hands-on instruction
for coaches and advisors. Through specialized hands-
on partner stunt instruction with the UCA staff, and
classroom seminars with an array of nationally recog-
nized guest lecturers, UCA has the tools to help coaches
and advisors reach even higher levels of expertise and
knowledge than they ever expected.
UCA Coaches Receive:
• The 2014 Advisor/Coaches Manual is updated each
year to address the topics you’ve requested: part-
ner stunts and progressions, pyramids and skills for
basketball/indoor courts, team development guide-
lines, dietary topics, budgeting tools and the updated
2014 AACCACollegiate SafetyAwareness Program.
• UCA College Spirit Camp DVD provides all of our
2014 cheer and sideline material.
• Camp Mix CD comprising all of the music heard at
UCA College Spirit Camp, from the opening routine
demonstration to the UCA Fight Song routine and
other various class music.
Learn New Skills
Learn correct technique and
progressions from the best in the nation!
UCA staff will help you determine which
class level will best fit your team.
Partner Stunts - Choose from:
• Coed
• All Girl/Multi-based
Pyramids - Classes based on skill level:
• Basketball Friendly Pyramids
• Beginner College Pyramids
• Advanced Pyramids - Pitches
• Elite - Flipping & Spinning
• Demo Routine Pyramids
Baskets - Choose from:
• Timers & Toe Touches
• Tucks & X-Outs
• Layouts, Pike Opens and Fulls
• Elite Twisting Baskets